Photo Metadata, Geolocation & Stenography Techniques
Part Two: Geolocation Techniques

One of the most important pieces of information when gathering OSINT is image geolocation. With tools such as ExiftoolGUI, we can see whether or not the photo is “geotagged” and another tab labeled ‘GoogleMap’ will give us a precise location of the image’s GPS coordinates.

However this feature is not available in ExifToolGUI by default. In order to see this tab you will need to change settings in your Preferences.

Regarding online map web applications, you can usually count on using Google Maps, Bing Maps, Wikimapia & OpenStreetMaps for your OSINT investigations. It’s a great idea to try out looking at the same location(s) with different tools.

Sometimes you will need different maps for different contexts. Additionally, if you like to create your own custom map data you can always create custom Google Maps at . Another means of creating custom map data is the offline QGIS Desktop application, which is free and open-source.

Here we can see image metadata that was previously unknown to us when we only used ExifTool.

A Beginner's Guide to Geolocating Photos
Finding Geolocation Leads with Bellingcat's OpenStreetMap Search Tool
Geolocation Resources for OSINT Investigations
QGIS | Spatial Without Comromise
Bing Maps